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Do you know a friend or colleague who could benefit from our comprehensive accountancy services? Please scroll down and learn more about referring to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd and our latest referral promotion.

Limited company referrals

Every friend or colleague you successfully refer to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd will earn you 10% off your monthly accountancy fee* as a limited company client.

Your discount will be valid for as long as the person you refer remains a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd. There is no limit to how many contractors you can recommend and receive rewards for. Your 10% discount will be applied to your next applicable monthly fee after each successful referral.

Umbrella company referrals

If you are a client ours, each friend or colleague you successfully refer to our sister company, Churchill Knight Umbrella’s PAYE umbrella service, will earn you £50 paid to your business bank account.

Not a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd but still want to refer?

Even if you are not a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd, you can still refer friends and colleagues to our service. For each successful referral you make to our accountancy service, you’ll get a £120 Love to Shop voucher.

You can also refer a friend or colleague to our sister company, Churchill Knight Umbrella’s PAYE umbrella service. For each successful referral to Churchill Knight Umbrella, you will receive a £25 Love2Shop voucher.

Why refer your friends or colleagues to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd?

Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd aims to help independent professionals succeed by providing specialised, limited company accountancy services to help our clients achieve their business goals. We can help contractors from all sectors including, but not limited to, finance, IT, consulting, engineering, marketing, and more, with their accountancy.

Read more about our services:

  • Contractor accountancy
  • CIS limited company
  • SME accountancy
  • Landlord accountancy
  • Self-assessment tax returns
  • Wealth management
  • R&D tax credits

Refer by completing the details on the form provided, and we will contact your referral as soon as possible to discuss their options. Contact us on 01707 818671 for more details. Terms and conditions apply and are available below.

Refer a friend or colleague today!

Please complete the short form below to refer a friend or colleague to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd. Alternatively, you can refer someone by calling our friendly team on 01707 871622.

"*" indicates required fields

About you

Please provide us with the following information about you.
Are you an existing Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd client?*

Who are you referring?

The following information is required about the person you are referring to our services. We will be in contact with them shortly. Thank you for your referral.
Please confirm:*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Do you know a friend or colleague who could benefit from our comprehensive accountancy services? Please scroll down and learn more about referring to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd and our latest referral promotion.

Limited company referrals

Every friend or colleague you successfully refer to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd will earn you 10% off your monthly accountancy fee* as a limited company client.

Your discount will be valid for as long as the person you refer remains a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd. There is no limit to how many contractors you can recommend and receive rewards for. Your 10% discount will be applied to your next applicable monthly fee after each successful referral.

Umbrella company referrals

If you are a client ours, each friend or colleague you successfully refer to our sister company, Churchill Knight Umbrella’s PAYE umbrella service, will earn you £50 paid to your business bank account.

Not a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd but still want to refer?

Even if you are not a client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd, you can still refer friends and colleagues to our service. For each successful referral you make to our accountancy service, you’ll get a £120 Love to Shop voucher.

You can also refer a friend or colleague to our sister company, Churchill Knight Umbrella’s PAYE umbrella service. For each successful referral to Churchill Knight Umbrella, you will receive a £25 Love2Shop voucher.

Why refer your friends or colleagues to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd?

Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd aims to help independent professionals succeed by providing specialised, limited company accountancy services to help our clients achieve their business goals. We can help contractors from all sectors including, but not limited to, finance, IT, consulting, engineering, marketing, and more, with their accountancy.

Read more about our services:

  • Contractor accountancy
  • CIS limited company
  • SME accountancy
  • Landlord accountancy
  • Self-assessment tax returns
  • Wealth management
  • R&D tax credits

Refer by completing the details on the form provided, and we will contact your referral as soon as possible to discuss their options. Contact us on 01707 818671 for more details. Terms and conditions apply and are available below.

Refer a friend or colleague today!

Please complete the short form below to refer a friend or colleague to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd. Alternatively, you can refer someone by calling our friendly team on 01707 871622.

"*" indicates required fields

About you

Please provide us with the following information about you.
Are you an existing Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd client?*

Who are you referring?

The following information is required about the person you are referring to our services. We will be in contact with them shortly. Thank you for your referral.
Please confirm:*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


  1. The ‘Referrer’ is defined as the individual who refers a client to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd (‘Churchill Knight’) or Churchill Knight Umbrella Ltd (‘Churchill Knight Umbrella’).
  2. The ‘Referee’ is the individual who has been recommended to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd or Churchill Knight Umbrella by the Referrer and has signed up to the limited company accountancy service, or alternatively has signed up to the Umbrella payroll service.
  3. A ‘Live’ client is one who has either:
  • Received their first payment into their Business Bank Account (i.e. first invoice paid/received).
  • Been paid through our umbrella service (usually one week)

The Reward

  1. The ‘Rewards’ are as follows for limited and umbrella company referrals:
  • Limited – a discount of 10% off the Referrer’s monthly instalment of limited company accountancy fees. This 10% discount applies to monthly instalments for the Basic or Professional package. If the Referrer is not a current client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd’s accountancy service, or is a user of Churchill Knight Umbrella. The reward is a one-time £120 Love to Shop voucher.
  • Umbrella – if the Referrer is a Limited Company client, the reward is £50 paid to the business bank account. If the Referrer is not a client, the reward is a £25 Love to Shop voucher.
  1. The Reward entitles the Referrer to receive the Reward for as long as the Referee remains a Live and PAYING client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd. Should the Referrer or Referee owe outstanding monies to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd or cease to be a client of either service, any discounts or free services will be nullified.


  1. The Referrer can receive Rewards for each client they refer, with no maximum discount or free service amount. For example, for limited company referrals a Referrer who recommends multiple qualifying Referees will receive a 10% discount off the original monthly instalment each time. If enough limited company Referrals are made, the Referrer may be owed referral bonuses by Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd in the form of a BACS payment to his/her Business Bank Account.
  2. Referrers are eligible for a Reward only when the Referee engages Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd or Churchill Knight Umbrella, and qualifies the Referrer for a Reward by becoming a Live client of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd or Churchill Knight Umbrella.
  3. Only Referrers who are existing clients of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd’s limited company accountancy service or Churchill Knight Umbrella’s payroll service may be eligible to receive a Reward. Neither the Referrer nor Referee should owe outstanding monies, and we reserve the right to offset any Reward against fees owed by the Referrer should this situation occur.
  4. If a Referrer is a client of Churchill Knight Umbrella, they are noteligible to receive a Reward if they have already taken advantage of a reduced margin (for example).
  5. If a new client has been referred by multiple Referrers, the Referrer who first provided us with contact details will be rewarded.
  6. If a Referee has been recommended by both a Referrer and a Recruitment Consultant, the Referee will have been classed as being referred by the Recruitment Consultant. Recruitment Consultants are not eligible for Rewards in this Referral Scheme.
  7. A Referee must be a first-time Referral to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd or Churchill Knight Umbrella.
  8. Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd and Churchill Knight Umbrella have sole discretion at all times to determine if the Referrer qualifies for the Reward subject to these Terms and Conditions. The decision cannot be challenged.
  9. Subject to clause 4, a Referrer is eligible for a Reward for a referral made on or after the 1st of February 2018.

Reward Process

  1. Once the Referee qualifies, Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd/Churchill Knight Umbrella shall reward the Referrer.

Rewards for limited company clients will automatically be applied to future Direct Debit payment amounts made to Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd around the 7th of each calendar month (in arrears). Rewards may not be exchanged for vouchers or any other prize. The Referrer does have the option to opt out of the Reward if they wish.

  1. The Referrer will not, at this stage, necessarily be notified by any change to Direct Debit payments or Margins deducted.
  2. If/when the Referee no longer meets the qualifying conditions, the Referrer’s Reward will be revoked and their monthly instalments will revert back to the previous amount.
  3. Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd alone will be responsible for the administration of the Rewards as it deems fit in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.


  1.  By recommending the Referee, the Referrer consents to his/her name being mentioned in communications with the Referee as the person who has made the referral.
  2. The personal data submitted will be treated in confidentiality in accordance with our Privacy Policy for the purpose of this Referral Scheme.
  3. This scheme is effective from the 1st of February 2018 and we reserve the right to terminate or alter the scheme at any time.
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